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I Suck

Hey again.

I'll start with this – I suck :(

I didn’t practice at all this whole week. I want to record the drums until next weekend and I just can't find the time to practice, but we all know that that's bullshit, I easily can find an hour a day to practice, I just can't put it on my top Priorities… and I hate it.

I don't know if I said it before – I really like metal drumming, I think that in the last years the drummers in the metal music industry improved and got really interesting. But the song I'm about to record next week is demanding me to reach to 120 bpm with both hand simultaneously, 4/4 of course, so this means that on each click (and I got 120 of them per minute) I need to hit the drum 4 times each hand...

And it's pretty insane. My hands needs to be on their best to get this done like I want. I really hope that I'll start practicing today!

Bye for now

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