I'm doing it!
I finally got to it and I'm actually practicing again! My wife helped me and pushed me into it and in the last few days I'm practicing every day, about 45 minutes a day.
I want to enter to the recording studio on the next week, I guess Tuesday or something. I'll see when the recording studio has time for me.

In this song I'll record the really hard part is like one minute (out of 7 minutes) the rest is not problematic and should go smooth, but in this one minute in the middle, I have to play with both of my hands at the same time pretty fast, my calculation is that each hand needs to hit the drum / cymbal 480 times in this minute. If it was just for few seconds I will do it without any problems, but for one whole minute? I think it's going to make my hand brake or something J
But, as always, ill update you later on
Bye for now