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Recordings part two – more technical details

I don’t know much about microphones and equipment, and what I will write here is based on the little knowledge I have on this combined with what the sound technician said to me in the studio, I recorded with a 5 pieces drum set – Bass drum, two tam tams, a floor drum, and a snare drum, I had 7 cymbals: I used my hi-het and ride, and two friend loaned me all the 7 more cymbals – I had two splash cymbals and one china, the rest was crashes in different sizes for various sounds.

The drums set was Ludwig and my snare drum is Sonor's black panther, the cymbals was made by different companies such as Zildjian, Paiste, Turkish and more.

As I said, I don’t have any clue what was all the microphones brands but some of them was, of course, Shure. I had for each drum a microphone, the snare drum had two microphones, one from to top and one from the bottom. I had 3 overheads, one for the hi-het and one for the ride. I know that the overheads was pretty expensive because I saw how the sound tech guy treated them… I think he told me that one of them costs about 15,000$, but I'm sure he just exaggerated…

So, this was the technical stuff I know about my recordings

Next time I think I would write about the recording itself, but we'll see…

See ya

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