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Recordings part 4

I had my wife and the bass player of my band there with me in the studio, and we all decided that we have enough to start the real business: the middle, hardest, fastest part in this song.

My hands got pretty tired at this point, and I remember thinking about the fact I'm an idiot for keeping this part for end, but it doesn't matter, because I wanted to get this over with.

Anyways, after I tried several times to record the whole middle part without getting tired, we decided to slice the middle part to something about 8 little parts, so I could record it the best way I can without getting too tired. And it went good! I recorded each little part two to three time and I think I can be very happy with what we got!

Now it’s the time for me to decide which take I want to use in the song… I hope I'll get to it soon… after I'll pick the best takes, I will sit with the sound tech and edit the little things like a bass that is not sitting tight enough, or a cymbal that I played a bit too early… in these days the technology can make us better J the new standard is to be really really tight and accurate.

So I hope I will update you guys soon about picking those takes…


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