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Me and my band part 2

Three months ago we talked and decided to record the drums again on our own, with a professional studio and technician, and I started to practice again, we didn’t rehearsed a long time because that our guitarist and main vocalist has moved to another country, so I started practicing again to get back in shape for the recordings, I wanted to get back in shape too much I guess, because after a few days I started to feel pain in my foot, and it got worse and worse, until my girlfriend convinced me to go to see a doctor, what was turning up to be a good decision (she's always right J ).

The doctor said I have inflammation and I needed to rest and not practice for couple of weeks, so, I stopped and the whole thing got delayed by a month… so it's kind of my fault, but not really, I think.

So it took me two months to record, yes, it's a long time, but not a year as they said, so in out last conversation we got into a fight, then I discovered that they always knew, from the start, that we should record the drums again. I really didn’t knew that, I thought we're doing this just for fun and because it's free.

So everyone is now angry with me, and I need to prove myself again and bring them the drums recording sessions ready as soon as possible so I told them that until Sunday they will have to session, not perfectly ready, cuz I still need to sit with the sound technician and edit the small things, but they will have a good preview of what it will sound like.

Wish me luck

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