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Basics of drums

Drum is the member of the group of musical instruments. It contains 1 membrane which is called the drumhead which is stretched and the player produces sound by bashing his hand or the drum stick on it. Drums have wide scope. You can play the single drum and it is also possible to have two drums which can be played by a single player. The number of drums with the cymbals makes the modern drum kit. Drums are used in all the places where music is concerned. At some places drums are the most important instruments during the wedding occasions. You can produce any type of sound and beat with the help of drums.

They are played by striking the hand or the drum stick. At times only a single stick is used and at some times two sticks is used. Drums have symbolic function and thus it is used in many traditional occasions. It is easy to use and is used in many areas of music. In modern music and jazz, drums refer as drum kit where the drummer plays them. Drums also acquire some divine status where it was considered as the symbol of power of king.

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