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Another Types of drums

Drums the well known musical instrument is used at many places. The drums have the drum head and the drummer strike with hands or drum sticks. There are different types of drums available which can make a drum set.

Floor tom is a type of drum that sits on the right side of a drummer who is right handed. It does not touch the floor and for that it is suspended by legs or by bracket that attaches to cymbal stand. The floor tom is not used as the primary drum. It is used to play the fills which are the extra notes for the music. Mounted toms are another type of drums which are also known as rack toms. They play similar role like the floor tom. They are small in size as compared to floor tom but they make higher sound. You can have one mounted tom or can also have 3 to 10 rack toms.

The bass drum is called the heartbeat and the snare drum is called the back beat. The sound that is produced from snare drum is the one which you might have heard between the bass drum beats. I am also a fan of the snare drum.

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