What are the different types of electronic drums?
There are lots of different types of drums out there and what's even more is the number of people who love playing drums. Drums themselves can be divided into 2 types: Electronic and Acoustic. Electronic drums are of 2 types:
Drum Machines
Electric Drums
But that's not where it all ends. Some people prefer electronic ones over the acoustic ones. You might wonder why that is so.
Drum Machines
These are a widely used variety of electronic drums which are really popular in different types of music. It is basically a small box that has tons of buttons on it which are programmable in nature. This variation produces different pitched sounds as well as beats. It can also be programmed into playing a loop of notes for continuous periods of time.
Electric Drum Sets
Electric drum kits are also very popular in the various fields of music. The kit for these drums mainly consists of a different number of electric pads which are clumped together to create unique sounds on being struck. You will mostly find them paired with traditional drumsticks. Because of their electronic nature, they can be fine-tuned and made to sound like acoustic drum sets.