Play the drums and the world will follow!!

Drums bring along with them a different fascination altogether. Playing the set of drums placed in front of you with that drumstick has a unique romanticism in it. The drummer shaking his head with the beats, juggling with the drumsticks is solely responsible for creating the mood of the concert.
The setup
A drum kit or a drum set is a collection of drums and other percussion instruments especially the cymbals. Some of these are set up on stands while some rest on the ground to be played by a single player. The drummer has sticks to play the drums and at the same time, his feet operate the pedals that control the hit-hat cymbal and beater for the bass drum.
Did you know?
You may think that drums are a recent introduction in the field of music. But the use of drums goes to back to ancient times when they were used in military and orchestral music setting. The modern kit was developed in Vaudeville in New Orleans in which a Jazz song was first recorded.
Today, drums play one of the most significant roles in the orchestra. The beat it produces creates a different adrenaline rush altogether and that is the reason behind youngsters getting more attached to being a drummer.